Monday, July 14, 2008

crazy life

Hello avid readers of my terribly interesting blog. Good to write to you again.
Where do I start? It has been a very trying month. I really have no desire to go into details but just trust me when I say it's been a rough one. For me it's hard to separate personal life from business life because our lives are so intertwined with our business. I don't know how to make that stop. I think it just is what is.
Jacob started swimming lessons last week. That has been going very well. He has a male instructor which is just what he needs. He seems to respond better to males than females. Go figure. Kindergarten starts in a few weeks and he is very excited about that. Since he doesn't think I know what I'm talking about when I try to teach him things, school should be an interesting challenge for him. I asked him what he would say to his teacher when he thinks he's right about something and he said, " I will tell her I'm sorry that's just how I roll." I see parent-teacher conferences in our future! Jacob lost his first tooth about 3 weeks ago and the tooth fairy gave him a dollar. Well apparently now when Jacob looks at his teeth he sees dollar signs. He pulled out another tooth about 2 weeks ago that wasn't ready to come out. It was a bleeder. We've been trying to convince him that his teeth will come out when they are ready but he says he really wants a remote control helicopter and if he's pulls out all his teeth he'll get it faster... We're working on patience.
Well that's all for now.