Friday, September 12, 2008

Hodge Podge

First and foremost I have to give a shout to my Jacob. He made student of the week this week and we are very proud of him. We celebrated by taking a trip to the local dairy queen and having a delicious vanilla cone and a sprite! Good stuff.

We had a great time at my mom's cabin. It's a very relaxing way to spend a weekend. We were able to play with slingshots and Jacob's little play bow and arrow. We played a friendly little game of horseshoes it was fun. Our trip to Rocky Point was very relaxing as well. There's nothing like sitting in the ocean watching the sunset with your hot husband! It's a rare treat when Matt and I get to go away together so it was very much appreciated! Jacob spent the weekend with his nana and papa Porter. He had a blast as always. It's been a bit of an adjustment for him not seeing his Nana 3 days a week. He really misses her. So it was nice that he got to spend some time her.

Jacob starts the first of his dental appts next week. He has to get a lot of work done. I'll let you know how that turns out. I told his dentist that if he even gets a glimpse of a needle that she would have a big problem. When he went to get his immunizations for school I had to put him in a full body "hold" just to make that happen. It wasn't a pleasant experience!
I hope all my a great weekend. Until we meet again...


wendy said...

Yay, another post! Congrats to Jacob for getting student of the week, that's awesome! Good luck w/the dentist. That does not sound like fun. Hopefully they can give him laughing gas? Take care!

Ging said...

Cute blog, Jill. Hope you don't mind me crashin in! I love what you said on the right hand side about material things not making us happy. That is so true. We need to appreciate the true blessings of our lives, mostly our families!