Monday, May 19, 2008


So this weekend Matt was in the Tempe Town Lake triathlon. He did great. I have no idea how a person gets the will power to not give up during those races. I do not have that in me. I think it takes a certain personality to want to accomplish things like that. I'm certainly glad that I married someone who has that. He has drive. I have neutral. He has ambition, I have contentment (not to be confused with laziness). He has stick-to-it-ness, I have "it'll be ok if you quit, it's not end of the world-ness". I think our personalities compliment each other. Sometimes it's frustrating, but I think it keeps us grounded. If we both were "go-getters" we would have major conflict, because chances are we would be going after different things and neither one of us would want to back down. If both of us were neutral people we probably would live very boring, unadventurous lives! Just my 2 cents today.


wendy said...

i love it Jill, great job! This is such a great way to keep up with the Porters and all your adventures!

Anonymous said...

I love it too!!! You write VERY well. It's super easy (and fun) to read!! Keep it up! :)